Kiara Noelle Kerr
Kiara Noelle Kerr
The DatingPerfect team is glad to feature the racy and sometimes inappropriate perspectives Kiara brings to the table. She loves getting to write highly opinionated op-eds about why online dating sucks, how DatingPerfect is trying to make it suck less, and also enjoys penning articles with sensible answers to the most asked questions in online dating. With a whole lot of online dating experience under her belt and plenty of opinions to share, Kiara’s always got something to say. More than anything, she understands the plight of the modern dater and wants to help. Are you feeling baffled, frustrated, and overwhelmed by online dating? Let Kiara know and she’ll be more than happy to commiserate and add her two cents. Thanks for reading!

Gay Dating Advice: How to Shine On Dating Sites and Apps

We know firsthand why dating sites and apps can get a bad rep. And we’ll admit, it can be overwhelming to sift through hundreds of…

Keeping Your Relationship Alive Past Cuffing Season

Cuffing Season relationships are notorious for being short-lived. You may be wondering, “What is Cuffing Season?” Think holiday romances that begin in October and fizzle out…

How to Meet Gay Guys Online: Gay Dating Explained

You’re here because you want to know how to meet gay guys. With all the LGBT dating sites available today, it can be overwhelming to…

New Dating App Whose Personality Test is… Your DNA

A new dating app called Pheramor uses your DNA as its matching algorithm. According to research, genetics and pheromones have everything to do with attraction. Want…

Lesbian Dating Tips: 5 Suggestions to Try

Get the Best Lesbian Dating Tips If you’re looking for the best lesbian dating sites, we’d always recommend and Elite Singles. Did you know…



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