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Skout Reviews March 2025

brought to you by DatingPerfect


DatingPerfect Ranking

Great for Serious and Casual Dating, as well as Hookups.

Types of Relationships

DatingPerfect Says…

Skout Review Introduction:

So, what is Skout? It’s an adult dating site that caters to people interested in hookup and casual sex. You can find plenty of hotties here looking for no strings or low-commitment fun. Since this site caters to people looking for sex and hookups, it’s probably not the right choice for those of you seeking long term partnership or marriage. But if you’re interested in meeting some sexy locals for an NSA relationship, the Skout website has what you need. But is it the right choice for you? We want to help you find the best adult dating site for your unique, personal needs. That’s why we’ll share all the important info you need to make up your mind about this site. In this article, we’ll tell you all about the site’s users, sign up process, safety, costs, and much more. Keep reading, our full Skout reviews are coming up next.

Skout Users:

We know it’s important to get a sense of the Skout membership before you join. You want to be sure that the site you’re considering actually has the kind of members you want to meet. Most of the folks who join this site are looking for adult dating via NSA hookups and casual sex. This means you’re likely to meet plenty of Skout members who want to hook up tonight. If you’re seeking long term commitment or marriage, this probably isn’t the right site for you. On the other hand, if you’re interested in super hot hookups with no strings, Skout dating will likely be a really good fit for you. Connect now to meet local hotties who want the same sexy things you do.

Skout Chat:

Okay, your new account is registered and ready to go…and so are you. It’s time to start chatting with some hotties. Most dating sites have a chat feature that lets you get to know the site’s members on a more personal level. But the most modern hookup sites have features like voice and video chat, so you can get to know potential partners a little more intimately. Found someone you want to connect with? Just send out a couple Skout messages to the members you’re most interested in. If you want to see who’s online and ready to chat, it’s super easy to find out. Just use the Skout search feature to scroll through a list of members who match your criteria. Once you find the people you want to connect with, it’s super easy to reach out and start a conversation.

Skout Profiles:

So now it’s time to get your profile ready for some action. Start by navigating to the Skout log in page and sign in to your account. We know that this site is all about hookups and casual sex, but that still isn’t an excuse to be sleazy. Use your Skout profile as an opportunity to be your most desirable and attractive self. Most hookup sites will ask you questions to help you find the best possible matches. The Skout questions are pretty concise, so answering all of them is a totally doable task. And yes, we definitely suggest answering all of them. They have to do with your desires, ideals, and bottom lines, so the more information you share, the more compatible your matches will be. We know, filling out your dating site profile isn’t exactly your idea of a good time. But put some effort into yours and we promise it will pay dividends. For the record, a good profile always includes several profile pictures. Imagine you wanted to search Skout for matches and all the profiles you saw only had a single picture? It’s just not the way to get clicks, likes, and messages. Take a little time to feel good about your profile and we promise you won’t regret it.

Skout App:

According to our research, this dating site has an app available for iPhone and Android. The Skout mobile app is a pretty good experience. While it’s more convenient to stay signed in using your app, some people might not want to download it. If this sounds like you, we want to let you know that you can get basically all the same features using the mobile site instead of the app. If you open the site in your mobile browser, you’ll be able to access the Skout desktop features using your phone. Whether you decide to download the app or not, the good news is that you’ve got a lot of options for how to interact with the site.



Special Features:


Let’s start with the biggest question you have: Is Skout safe? Before you dive head first into a new dating site, it’s always a good idea to do some research. This becomes especially necessary when you’re looking at hookup and casual sex sites. Unfortunately, there are a lot of scams out there. We’d also suggest you refer to the Skout safety tips page to see how the site keeps its members safe. If you can’t find a safety page for the site, that might be a red flag right there. If you ever have contact with suspicious people on this dating site, please get in touch with Skout help. Report the incident to help protect you and the site’s other members. We also encourage you to rely on your instincts when interacting with new people on a hookup site. If the encounter starts to feel fishy, go with your gut. The site’s moderators should always be informed of weird stuff happening on their site. So reach out and let them know if you suspect a scam. You can also get in touch with them if you need to cancel Skout membership at any point.

Value for Money:

Okay, the next thing everyone wants to know: Is Skout free? It’s very common for dating sites like this one to advertise as free to join or to offer a free trial period. And yes, It’s technically free to join. But most users with a free membership have a hard time getting the most out of the site. If you’re using Skout free, you might find that you have restricted access or limited options when it comes to some of the site’s most important features, like messaging.

Even the sites that are truly free to use can be noisy and full of distracting ads. For some people, this can be a big pain. If you have a hard time with busy ads, it might even be worth it to use the paid version of the site. This is where value takes on a personal significance for each of us. That’s right, we’re about to get all philosophical on you. When it comes to online dating, the idea of value is a moving target. This means that your idea of value might be really different from another person’s. Are you looking at value as the cost per date or the number of dates you actually go on? Or maybe you’re interested in marriage and value has to do with meeting that right person.

Before joining a site like Skout, you might want to spend a little time defining the value you hope to get out of the site. Envisioning who you want to meet on a dating site and what kind of connection you’d like to create with them is an important first step. Once you have a clear sense of this, you’re much more likely to find experiences that line up with your individual definition of dating success.

Skout Costs:

Review Conclusion:

If you came here hoping to read our Skout reviews, we hope this article was useful. We know you’re interested in hookup and casual sex sites, which means this site would be a good fit on that level. If you’re looking for sexy NSA encounters and casual hookups, this site should for sure be on your radar. And if you’re wondering whether it’s the right site for you, hopefully you feel a little closer to a decision after reading the review. DatingPerfect wants to make sure you get the most out of your online dating experiences. Of course, we can help by providing you with a lot of info about the site in question. But we can also help with Skout promo codes and special offers. We’ll hook you up whenever possible. Ready to try out this site and see if it has what you’ve been looking for? Visit the Skout full site to see for yourself.

A Deeper Dive into Skout:

Want Help Writing Your Skout Profile?

Online dating is hard but DatingPerfect wants to make it easier. If you’re struggling to write your Skout profile, let our experts help. Check out our profile writing services now to get more clicks, more likes, and more dates.

Social Media Dating Sites

Skout Says…

Skout is one of the largest global, mobile network for meeting new people. We are true believers in preserving the “magic” of serendipitous meetings and we make possible a wide range of social connections from friendship to networking. With your mobile device as your guide, you can discover new friends at the local neighborhood bar, at a concert at Madison Square Garden or on a bus tour in Barcelona. Our community spans more than 100 countries and taps our app to meet new people nearby or continents away.

We pride ourselves on connecting people through a platform that is fun, engaging and secure. The Skout community thrives because we focus on positive experiences and have zero tolerance for bad behavior. With two separate and distinct communities for teens and adults, we make it easy to safely make new friends thanks to features like chatting, exchanging photos or notes, and sending virtual gifts. It’s always 100% up to you if you want to make contact with someone — or if you want to respond to someone who is trying to make contact with you. YOU decide if, when and how you want to connect. Unlike other location-based apps, Skout provides general rather than specific location information, empowering you, the user, to decide how you want to interact with a new Skout friend.

How we got started
Skout Inc. was founded in 2007 to develop software products that take online social interaction further than anyone had thought possible in the past. We wanted to create a community that would help mobile device users communicate better with existing friends and business contacts, and to help connect them with new people nearby. Eventually, thanks to our unique position at the time, we decided to focus on the latter space and proceeded to build one of the world’s largest mobile network for meeting new people.

Since then, millions of people have tried our app and found it wonderfully suited for enabling new connections, from friendship to romance, with users nearby or hundreds of miles away. Many of our users come to Skout to find activity partners and friends, especially when moving to a new city or entering a new phase of life, like graduating college or starting a new job. Others connect with users from different countries, sparking exciting conversations about travelling and local culture. There’s always something happening on Skout.

Is Skout going to save the planet?
Probably not. We just want to make it easier for people to find each other, have fun, and get to know someone better before meeting them in person. …But, since you’re meeting people nearby, we might be saving you a car ride, which in turn is good for the environment, so maybe in our own little way we are helping save the planet… Life is short, you are busy and people are having fun without you right now. So start Skouting and find your party, anytime, anywhere

Owner’s Total Communities: 5

The Meet Group

Social Media: Facebook Instagram Twitter

Skout is available on

Reviews & Comments

leanne Bell choate

23 October 2020
Cool – Google Play Store


23 October 2020
You all should add buzz back to the app so people can post what they’re feeling without going to the website and needs to be checked for porn stars – Apple App Store

Hamed Tuta

23 October 2020
Awsome – Google Play Store

Alfred Walker

23 October 2020
Mrwalker – Google Play Store

Saadi Habibi

22 October 2020
من نمیتونم عکس اپلود کنم کسی میتونه بگه – Google Play Store

Ab As

22 October 2020
Nice app – Google Play Store

Victoria j Mascareno

22 October 2020
I really like this like this app I really like Scott up because I I haven’t talked to anybody yet they reject me out that’s about it but they get at least well only like $0.02 – Google Play Store

Joanne Vergara

22 October 2020
Good – Google Play Store

Chris Pommer

22 October 2020
My neighbor mrs.jand me love it ! Passes the time – Google Play Store

Dean Shockley

22 October 2020
Apps fine! Watch out for females wanting money! Sex is not what they are up too! Just want lonely men too give them hand outs! Send me a 100$ bucks! I need a new phone too talk too you on! One with good camera! Their always a victim of a bad guy! Long abusive story lines! They act coy! Oh poor me! They have a. Couple sister apps! Nothing I want their ! Thought maybe it changed! Joined three times! Same stuff! They could be anyone! A guy playing a girls part! It’s all about female ego! – Google Play Store

Mahesh Patel

22 October 2020
Very nice to contact unknown people and friends – Google Play Store

Puspander Giri

22 October 2020
Goswami meerut wala – Google Play Store

Saintje Loading

22 October 2020
Good – Google Play Store

Jeana Coleman

22 October 2020
Well haven’t found nobody yet – Google Play Store


22 October 2020
Nice – Google Play Store

Mary McCafferty

22 October 2020
Good – Google Play Store

marie matteucci

22 October 2020
I love this app… great and easy to use … enjoying it… – Apple App Store

Ana Rica

21 October 2020
Love this – Google Play Store

Richard Ehrhart

21 October 2020
So far… so good!

Honey Baba

21 October 2020
I canot unddrsrand new skout cannot show near people – Google Play Store

Jordan Wurmnest

21 October 2020
Mm – Google Play Store

Jessica keenly

21 October 2020
Good app – Google Play Store

Fernando Alvarez

21 October 2020
Good – Google Play Store

Donald Mane

21 October 2020
Good site – Google Play Store

mariza edelion

21 October 2020
Nice – Google Play Store

Ali Adib

21 October 2020
Good – Google Play Store

Shuaib Khan

21 October 2020
Good – Google Play Store

Stevie Crider

21 October 2020
Love it – Google Play Store


21 October 2020
Great and amazing – Apple App Store

Pete Herrera

21 October 2020
Good – Google Play Store

Skout Reviews March 2025

brought to you by DatingPerfect


DatingPerfect Ranking

Great for Serious and Casual Dating, as well as Hookups.