Whisperr audio dating
Platform Android

Whisperr audio dating Reviews March 2025

brought to you by DatingPerfect


DatingPerfect Ranking

Great for Casual and Serious Dating.

Types of Relationships

DatingPerfect Says…

Whisperr audio dating Review Introduction:

What is Whisperr audio dating? It’s one of the best dating sites to help you connect with people for casual and more serious dating. This site helps online daters who are looking to connect, chat, and meet up. You’ll be happy to hear the site offers most of the elements you’d expect from a dating site, but it also has a few unique features. Are you considering joining the Whisperr audio dating website? We hope to help you make the best decision for your dating life. In this article, we’ll let you know about the site’s users, sign up process, safety, costs, and more. Keep reading to discover our full Whisperr audio dating reviews below. If you do join, please come back and write a review to tell us what you think.

Whisperr audio dating Users:

So, what does the Whisperr audio dating membership look like? In this section, we’ll tell you about who tends to join this dating site. Plus, we’ll give you an idea of who you’re likely to meet if you should choose to join. Because so many of the site’s members are looking for the real deal when it comes to dating and marriage, you can expect to meet Whisperr audio dating members who are searching for something more serious. Not seeking a long term relationship or serious commitment? It’s better for you to find this out now: Whisperr audio dating dating probably isn’t the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you are seeking love and maybe even marriage, this site has a lot of good stuff to offer.

Whisperr audio dating Chat:

So you registered as a member and now you’re ready for some fun. Connecting and chatting with your new matches can be really exciting. Pretty much every dating site these days has the basic chat option available. In other words, you can send text messages to people you want to get to know using the site’s platform. See someone cute? Use chat features to send out some flirty Whisperr audio dating messages.

But it is the 21st century, you guys. That’s why many dating sites are introducing more advanced connection features, like voice and video chat. These can help you get to know potential matches a little better. Interested in connecting with other members on the site and getting to know them? Good news, it’s really simple. Just use the Whisperr audio dating search feature to see who’s online. Then, when you find someone appealing, just send them a quick message and get a conversation started.

Whisperr audio dating Profiles:

Visit the Whisperr audio dating log in page to get started. Like we mentioned, most people who join this site are looking for long term commitment and marriage. This means that the site is going to ask you for quite a bit of personal info. While it can feel like a lengthy process to some, we encourage you to stick it out. Why? Because the more effort and energy you put into your Whisperr audio dating profile, the greater success the site will have in matching you with its most compatible members.

A big part of filling out your profile will be completing the Whisperr audio dating questions. The purpose of these questions is usually to give the site’s algorithm a chance to get to know you a little better so it can suggest viable matches. Want to get more clicks, messages, and likes? Then please take the time to fill out as much information as you can. It will show the site’s other members that you’re serious about meeting someone and willing to put in the effort. Just put yourself in their shoes for a sec. If you search Whisperr audio dating for a match and all they have on their profile is the most basic data, you’re probably not going to stick around. So give yourself the best chance of success with a great dating site profile. We promise it will pay off.

Whisperr audio dating App:

According to our research, this dating site has an app available for Android. The Whisperr audio dating mobile app is a pretty good experience. While it’s more convenient to stay signed in using your app, some people might not want to download it. If this sounds like you, we want to let you know that you can get basically all the same features using the mobile site instead of the app. If you open the site in your mobile browser, you’ll be able to access the Whisperr audio dating desktop features using your phone. Whether you decide to download the app or not, the good news is that you’ve got a lot of options for how to interact with the site.



Special Features:


Okay, so here’s the question everyone wants answered first: Is Whisperr audio dating safe? We always encourage you to make that decision for yourself when you’re thinking about joining a dating site. Do a little research and look into the site’s safety features. For specific Whisperr audio dating safety tips, you can always refer to the site’s own safety page. If the dating site you want to join doesn’t have a safety page, use your best judgement before signing up.

Have you encountered predatory behavior on the site? We always encourage you to contact Whisperr audio dating help to report suspicious activity. Trust your instincts if you feel unsafe or uncertain on any site. And never give your personal information to other members. You can help protect yourself and other members by bringing anyone suspicious to the attention of the site’s moderators. They can also help if you’re having trouble with your account or want to cancel Whisperr audio dating for any reason.

Value for Money:

Okay, the next thing everyone wants to know: Is Whisperr audio dating free? It’s very common for dating sites like this one to advertise as free to join or to offer a free trial period. And yes, It’s technically free to join. But most users with a free membership have a hard time getting the most out of the site. If you’re using Whisperr audio dating free, you might find that you have restricted access or limited options when it comes to some of the site’s most important features, like messaging.

Even the sites that are truly free to use can be noisy and full of distracting ads. For some people, this can be a big pain. If you have a hard time with busy ads, it might even be worth it to use the paid version of the site. This is where value takes on a personal significance for each of us. That’s right, we’re about to get all philosophical on you. When it comes to online dating, the idea of value is a moving target. This means that your idea of value might be really different from another person’s. Are you looking at value as the cost per date or the number of dates you actually go on? Or maybe you’re interested in marriage and value has to do with meeting that right person.

Before joining a site like Whisperr audio dating, you might want to spend a little time defining the value you hope to get out of the site. Envisioning who you want to meet on a dating site and what kind of connection you’d like to create with them is an important first step. Once you have a clear sense of this, you’re much more likely to find experiences that line up with your individual definition of dating success.

Whisperr audio dating Costs:

Review Conclusion:

At DatingPerfect we always want you to succeed. That’s why we offer you all the info we can on the dating sites you want to learn about. Plus, we want to hook you up with Whisperr audio dating coupons whenever we can. Scroll down to learn more.

You’re here because you wanted to read our Whisperr audio dating reviews. If you’ve been thinking about joining but you still aren’t sure, we hope we could help. This site has a lot to offer people interested in longterm dating and marriage. DatingPerfect wants to help you get the most out of online dating and it all starts with finding the best dating site for you. That’s why we write these reviews. We want to provide you with as much useful information as possible about the sites you’re thinking about joining. But we can also help by offering you Whisperr audio dating promo codes, so check back often to see what we’ve got. Ready to start meeting people who want the same things you do? Visit the Whisperr audio dating full site to get started now.

A Deeper Dive into Whisperr audio dating:

Want Help Writing Your Whisperr audio dating Profile?

Online dating is hard but DatingPerfect wants to make it easier. If you’re struggling to write your Whisperr audio dating profile, let our experts help. Check out our profile writing services now to get more clicks, more likes, and more dates.

Gamer Dating,Social Media Dating Sites

Whisperr audio dating Says…

Whisperr is a dating app based on audio profiles. Voice is a great addition to online dating profiles because it lets you know very quickly whether you like someone or not, without having to talk to them (’cause they’re already talking).Online dating is a lot more fun when you hear voices!How does it work:- Sign up via email or use social login.- Fill in some basic info about yourself: name, age, location, gender.- Upload your favorite photo.- Record your audio profile – it can last between 10 Seconds and 3 Minutes.- For your audio profile we offer some help: you can finish a set of sentences, pick a topic to talk about, or read one of the texts.- Start swiping through audio profiles (photo appears with a 10 second delay to not distract from the voice).- When you like someone, click on the heart icon and that person will be saved in your favorites list.- In your favorites list you will also find people who liked you.- When two people like each other (the heart icon on the list of favorites is full) the chat is unlocked.- Start Whisperring! Imagine being able to hear a person before talking to them, being able to tell who they are before spending time to get to know them. This means better insight in one’s personality than you would get on a traditional dating site. Filter all unwanted dates, make a better selection and meet only people with higher potential for a meaningful connection. You don’t have to go through all the motions of flirting and chatting online only to discover upon meeting in person that the person is not a match for you.Whisperr is also fun and playful. Learn about yourself by filling in your profile. Show your personality, give people something to fall in love with, share a story, an anecdote, or a joke. Play guessing games about how someone looks based on their voice. Listen to short stories of individuals, told in their own way, and see if you can figure out who they really are. Try it out, start listening to the voices and see how you react. Do you have an instant reaction? Do you immediately know which voice you like and which you don’t? Was your instinct about the voice correct? Talk to people you find intriguing. Let us know. Be among our first official users and join us in setting new trends. We are evoking the best of old values to create the best new relationships using progressive models in a fun way. Follow us to stay up to date with our progress. So, what are you waiting for? Download Whisperr now and start Whisperring! Our priority at this stage is your feedback. We would appreciate greatly any type of feedback you might have for us. We want to make Whisperr the best possible experience for you, and we are here to listen. Please, write to us at [email protected] or use the feedback option inside the app. Thanks!

Owner’s Total Communities: 1


Reviews & Comments

Wuraola Aaron

4 August 2020
Great app – Google Play Store

Dusan Jovanovic

27 July 2019
Works very well, great place to meet new people. – Google Play Store

Djordje Simic

1 July 2019
Fantastic fantastic – Google Play Store

nikola nikolic

1 July 2019
Great, great app. Forget social networks, tinder and sending dickpics…. Voice turn them on, awsome chicks ready for chat and do more than that… – Google Play Store

Srdja Slankamenac

1 July 2019
Best dating app. – Google Play Store

Mladen Maksimovic

1 July 2019
Awesome app! Loving it! – Google Play Store

Lazar Petrovic

1 July 2019
great thing that you added filters – Google Play Store

Jasmina Colic

25 February 2019
Great APP. Something new and refreshing. – Google Play Store

Марија Стевановић

18 April 2018
Best. – Google Play Store

Sanja Milinkovic

13 March 2018
Great app! Love it! – Google Play Store

Ruby Milke

23 March 2018
I dont know. It wont let me on.Ive tried an tried my email but it wont accept. I hope i get an answer; i dont see you answering anyones reviews and questions.

Gavin Murray

7 December 2019
It sounds like a great concept. But the app won’t let me make an account. It just sits there “loading” forever. I hope to be able to actually try it one day, and hopefully they do a good job of filtering out all the bots (I’ve read a few reviews complaining about that. But other than that it sounds like a good dating app) – Google Play Store

Christopher Britton

2 July 2019
it never would connect – Google Play Store

rob _agau

18 July 2018
I think it’s a fantastic concept for a dating app, but it’s lacking some truly key features. Namely, the profiles you’re shown aren’t location based. If I was looking to meet someone from another country and had the funds to do so, I’d just fly there in the first place and be a tourist. Second issue is the number of spam profiles, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way if verification for proving you are actually you, nor is there a way to report profiles simply recording silence or background noise rather than using the app as it is clearly intended. Overall I’m unimpressed, but a few changes like the above; and a successful marketing push for Noth America, could see me become a fan. For now, I’ll be leaving it installed on my phone to wait for any updates or progress, and to occasionally when bored, sift through a few hundred profiles to find someone from my own country. – Google Play Store

Chezka Faye Andrada

15 June 2020
Walang kwenta. Nagsign up ako nung papasign in na di naman makapasok. – Google Play Store

Fabio Success

14 June 2020
After installing the app, I tried logging in using the Facebook login option and I receive an error message that says “something went wrong, try again”. I’ve done this about 10 times as well as uninstall/, reinstall the app. Nothing has worked. This is a real problem. Get this fixed. – Google Play Store


27 August 2019
Da mogu dala bih Vam nulu. Iz nekog razloga ne mogu da snimim svoj glas ni na engleskom ni na srpskom. Pokušavala sam i jedno i drugo. Ne postoji filter da obeležite korisnike iz vaše zemlje. Ako sam obeležila da me ne zanimaju ljudi koji su na više od 30 km od mene onda me ne zanima neko iz Indije. Takođe mnogi korisnici nemaju nasnimljenu poruku već snime pesmu s radija ili je naprosto tišina na snimku. Jedan se samo nakašljao. Povedite računa o tome. Toliko od mene. – Google Play Store

PRsRealm VisitMyChannelPRsRealm

8 August 2019
Pure garbage. It doesn’t matter what your profile says. Specifically your location. For example, if I put Chicago & 30 km. (obviously not made in the U.S.) I’ll see profiles from Mexico, Atlanta, Washington, France….. Basically places that I don’t live near. Another problem is, some cities aren’t even listed. 5 year olds could’ve created a better app & probably would’ve had a better sense of geography. Don’t waste your time. I don’t see an option to delete my account. – Google Play Store

Jovan Prvulović

20 July 2019
You should fix the god damn interface. – Google Play Store

Adit Pradana

28 January 2019
it keeps close automatically. awful – Google Play Store

Whisperr audio dating Reviews March 2025

brought to you by DatingPerfect


DatingPerfect Ranking

Great for Casual and Serious Dating.