Lisa Concepcion

Lisa Concepcion Reviews March 2025

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Lisa Concepcion Introduction:

Lisa Concepcion is a Miami-based life and dating coach. She specializes in helping clients with dating and relationships, pre-marital preparation, marriage, break up, and divorce. In other words, she’s an expert in pretty much all areas related to love and dating.

Clients engage Lisa for one-on-one VIP coaching sessions. But she also offers her sassy, no BS dating advice by video and blog. With almost 7,000 YouTube subscribers, we’re pretty sure she’s doing something right.

With a longterm background in sales and marketing, Lisa began to study Law of Attraction, the Core Energy Coaching™️ life coaching program, and an inner exploration practice called Inner Bonding. She uses these and other vital techniques, Lisa had a lot to offer others struggling in love. When she started doing the work to help others find a pathway to love, Lisa called her coaching service LoveQuest.

But we’ll let her explain why. She says: “We are all on a LoveQuest. Our souls came here to love and be loved. So we go through life mixing it up with different people who we attract (friends and family included) and this journey is what I call a ‘LoveQuest.’”

Experience and Training

Lisa Concepcion studied Marketing Communications at Rutgers University. Though she pursued a successful career in marketing, she shifted toward life coaching and date coaching. She is a Certified Professional Life Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner. These credentials are offered by the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), an institution endorsed by the International Coaching Federation.

Lisa is also featured often in blog and other media as a dating and relationship expert. She’s a regular contributor to dating and relationship podcasts. Lisa also helps her substantial social following by offering regular, free video content related to dating.

Location and Remote Sessions:

Though Lisa Concepcion is located in Miami, she’s available to work with long-distance clients, too. She offers one-on-one remote sessions using phone and video technology with Skype and Zoom. If you’re interested in hiring Lisa as your personal dating coach, check out the next section. That’s where we’ll provide all the info you need on what she charges for those services.

As we said, Lisa’s approach to dating is no BS. She’ll help you become your best self and love the person you are, but there will be work involved. There’s no magic pill to become the person you want to be. It just takes the courage to look at yourself and the willingness to let go of the stuff that’s not serving you. On this journey for self-love, Lisa Concepcion is a competent guide.

As she says, “I help you to get to the root of what is really going on, so, you can be, do or have anything you want. If you come to me ready to go all in with yourself and have an open mind, are willing to do whatever it takes to help yourself [shift],” then she’s probably a good dating coach for you. But don’t expect Lisa to do the heavy lifting for you.

Lisa Concepcion Pricing and Packages:

Lisa has designed awesome programs to meet you right where you are. Try Self-Love Mastery to learn to love yourself unconditionally first. Or Break-Up Detox and Divorce Detox to help you move through the ending of a relationship. She also offers programs for couples like, Conscious Communication, The Power Couple, and Relationship Rescue.

Lisa Concepcion’s Packages:

Lisa offers these programs in several packages to help you get the most out of your love life. You can always schedule a one-off 60-Minute Power Session for $250. “Power Sessions” happen by phone, Skype or Zoom. This session is a good place to learn how Lisa works and what she can do for you. It’s also a great option if you’re not sure about going in on a longterm package without getting to know your new coach.

Then there’s the midrange immersion package, which costs $2,000 for 45 days. Finally, Lisa offers a 90 Day Customized Coaching Immersion package, which costs $3,600 for 90 days. This package includes a bunch of good stuff. You’ll get up to 12 one-on-one hourlong coaching sessions and customized “Soul Work” designed to move you forward in between sessions. You’ll also get ongoing access to Lisa, who can be contacted by FB Messenger and email.

Lisa also offers special deals and custom packages. To learn more about Lisa Concepcion, her packages, her style, and her program, you can always schedule a free 30-minute LoveQuest Assessment Call.


Lisa Concepcion uses her own transformative self-love journey to reshape your love life from the inside out. She’s especially skilled when it comes to break up and divorce. But she has a lot to offer any modern man or woman who’s tired of waiting for happiness that’s based on someone else. With Lisa’s no BS style and proven experience, you can start falling in love with yourself today.

Lisa Concepcion Says…

Throughout our lives, we experience many relationships and grow from every one of them. The relationship that matters most is the one we have with our divine inner being, our Source. The more connected we are to Source, the more unconditionally we love ourselves and the less we’ll need to control others in our quest for love and happiness. Self-Love is everything!

What follows below is much more on me, my story and what led me to becoming a certified coach passionate about helping people truly and unconditionally love themselves first and most. We are all here to make a mark. My goal is to change the way people view relationships, commitment and romantic partnerships. So scroll down, read on, get a sense of who I am. Pay attention to similarities between my story and yours. Law of attraction is an amazing thing. Then let’s connect and get started.

My Story

So, who the hell am I? What makes me qualified to help you succeed on your LoveQuest? Well first I’ll explain what a LoveQuest is. We are all on a LoveQuest. Our souls came here to love and be loved. So we go through life mixing it up with different people who we attract (friends and family included) and this journey is what I call a “LoveQuest.”

I also add that only YOU know what is best for YOU. There’s nothing wrong with you. Where you are right now is where you are supposed to be. The answers that best serve you are inside you. My job as your life coach, dating coach or relationship coach is to ask you the questions that help you to find the answers that reside within you. When you discover the answers that work best for you, you shift in a major way. This is how results happen and you begin to attract love in your life.

When we silence the distracting noise, handle our, assumptions, limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that gets between where we are and where we’d like to be, we immediately begin to see a positive shift in our lives.

My own life’s journey led me to take my marketing experience, which spanned two decades, to becoming a life coach. I committed to studying about Law of Attraction, the Core Energy Coaching™ method of life coaching, a self-awareness method called Inner Bonding and other techniques designed to transform. Today, as a certified life coach I promote myself and my mission to help others attract, give and keep love starting with love of self.

So if you’re fed up with one dating disaster after the next, or are stuck in the past replaying relationships that you need to move forward from or; are in a relationship and just want to nourish it and solidify it with values of joy, peace, loyalty and respect, or you’re cool with rolling solo for a while to reconnect with loving yourself first and most, I work with you to get from where you are to where you want to go. If you’re unclear about where you would like to go I help you get clarity on your desired life. Then we start the journey towards it. It’s fun and transformational.

Like you, I know about love’s big wins and big losses. I’ve experienced courtship, deep love, codependent love, conditional love, break-ups, make-ups, engagement, marriage, infidelity; couples therapy, reconciliation, separation and divorce; only to crank up on love once again. When you have faith in yourself and love for yourself, it is impossible NOT to attract the faith and love from others.

When it comes to life experience, I have loads. However, your life and your experiences make you unique. I might be able to relate to you and have compassion and empathy for you but I never actually walked in your shoes. Your story is yours! I simply help you to determine the story you now want to tell.

Owner’s Total Communities: 1


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