Dating Fatigue: The Struggle Is Real, Guys

if you wound up on DatingPerfect, chances are you feel us on this one. Online dating is hard for so many reasons and people need more resources than are currently available to them. This brings us to the subject at hand: dating fatigue. It’s a real phenomenon, and online daters using swipe-based platforms seem to be particularly affected.
What Is Dating Fatigue?
DatingPerfect looked at Julie Beck’s response to a much talked about article: “Tinder and the Dawn of the ‘Dating Apocalypse’” by Nancy Jo Sales via Vanity Fair. In her response, Beck reminds us of the utility of dating apps. Even more, she encourages us to look at the possibility of a dating experience different than the ones that make online dating look apocalyptic. Beck focuses on whether and how well modern dating apps are fulfilling their function.
For hookup-based apps, the success is clear; but for daters looking for more, apps may turn out to be labor-intensive, inefficient and disappointing. Enter dating fatigue. Beck talks about the experience many of us are having with online dating. Finally, she sums up a common experience with dating fatigue, where we feel less excited by apps, engage with them less frequently and, ultimately, end up unsatisfied. As she puts it, dating apps “facilitate our culture’s worst impulses for efficiency in the arena where we most need to resist those impulses.” Check out the full article on dating fatigue here.
Solving the Dating Fatigue Problem Together
As always, we encourage you to make up your own mind about it. What has your experience been with online dating? Are you feeling the dating fatigue? Help DatingPerfect change online dating for the better! You can do this by leaving a comment below, signing up for our mailing list, or leaving a review of a dating site. Or, if you’re ready to try the best online dating has to offer, read about the best dating sites now.

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