Dating Someone With Herpes: How to Make it Work

Samantha Elise Oscar By Samantha Elise Oscar  – July 7, 2017
Dating Someone With Herpes: How to Make it Work

Looking for the best Herpes dating sites? We’d always recommend Positive Singles and Herpes Mates. Research states that nearly 20 million cases of HSV occur each year in the United States. If you’ve just been diagnosed, it can be hard to imagine what your dating life will look like moving forward. We’re happy to report that STD dating isn’t that different from any other kind of dating. The key components of a good relationship are still trust, communication, and honesty. Love is everywhere, you just have to know where to look. Keep reading if you want to learn more about dating someone with herpes.

Wondering about Dating Someone with Herpes?

It may be difficult for people to have been diagnosed with HSV to start a relationship because they’re afraid to disclose the status of their sexual health. We think the best policy in terms of sexual health is to be honest and straightforward from the getgo. If you’re the HSV positive member of a relationship, you’ll feel a lot of relief and freedom knowing that your partner knows the full story and accepts you. Maybe you are HSV-free and are interested in dating someone with herpes. In this case, you deserve to have all the information before making a decision to become physically intimate.

Though an HSV-free person might have fears of dating someone with the virus, HSV does not have to be the determining factor of whether a relationship will work or not. There are plenty of couples who have healthy and successful relationships where one member has HSV and the other doesn’t. Through antiviral medications and preventive measures, it’s possible to keep from infecting an HSV-free partner.

How to Move Forward

We think it’s more reasonable to let HSV be one factor in deciding whether or not to pursue a relationship with a new partner. Let a positive STD status be one element among many. Do you feel safe and comfortable with this person? Do you click well together and have chemistry? Shared mutual interests and hobbies? Are you emotionally and sexually attracted to each other? Don’t let a positive HSV status get in your way of finding happiness if you are want to be with someone who has the virus.

If you have decided you’re interested in pursuing a relationship with an HSV positive partner, we think it’s a good idea to sit down and have a conversation about what this means. Talk with your new partner about their HSV status, ask them about their experience, visit their GP together to ask about prevention and safe sex practices. Some good practices to follow are to use protection and to avoid sharing razors or other sharp objects.

You might also want to consider joining an STD dating community. This is a place where other singles with positive HSV and other STD statuses can meet and mingle in a safe and comfortable environment. We like PositiveSingles the best.

If you’re thinking about dating someone with herpes, we hope this article could be helpful. Be open with one another right from the start and things will be easier down the line. HSV doesn’t have to stand in the way of a successful and happy love life!


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Samantha Elise Oscar
Samantha Elise Oscar
Author, Dating Expert Extraordinare
At DatingPerfect, we’re lucky to have Samantha as a regular contributor and key researcher. A dating expert at her core, Samantha’s knowledge of the dating space spans many provocative topics, from marriage tips to sugar dating how-to’s. Samantha has her finger on the online dating pulse and keeps us plugged in to dating’s newest trends, most surprising twists, and biggest stories. Is there a topic you’d love to see Samantha cover? Please contact us if you have an idea for a future story and we’ll get Samantha on it. Thanks for reading!
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