Affair Dating: How to Keep Your Affair a Secret

If you’re lookinng for the best affair dating sites, we’d always recommend Adult Friend Finder, Ashley Madison, and In adult affair dating, the rules are a little different. Because of the secretive nature of this type of relationship, discretion is key. These married dating tips can help you find out how to keep your affair a secret.
Keep Your Emotions in Check
It can seem impossible at first to balance the emotional ups and downs of affair dating. But having an affair outside of your marriage will get easier over time. One thing you must remember is that you are still married and you have to keep up appearances at home regardless of what is going on with your other relationship. If you want to sneak off to be with the other person and you’re constantly starting arguments over nothing so you can slip out the door for a quick meet, your spouse will catch on sooner than later. When you’re home, be home. The more practice you get with emotional compartmentalization, the easier it will be to leave your feelings from one relationship out of the other.
Don’t Get Too Comfortable
If you get too comfortable in your routine, you’ll get sloppy. What happens when you get sloppy? You get caught. Just because you got away with it yesterday doesn’t mean you can’t get caught today. Always assume someone is watching or listening, and make sure you stay alert and sharp when you’re making plans. If you’re “staying late after work” on Tuesdays because you want to meet up with your other partner, keep that the norm. If you push it too far and start telling your spouse you are working late on Thursdays, too, or on the weekends, they may get concerned and check on your story. So stay alert and don’t get too comfortable. It’s the best way to keep your secret affair a secret.
Keeping Conversations a Secret
Take special care when you’re communicating with your partner about when and where to meet. Don’t get sloppy and use your house phone or your cell phone. You definitely need a twenty-dollar throwaway phone that you only use to text or call your secret affair. This phone needs to be a secret to your spouse, so don’t hide it under the pillow when you’re expecting a late night text. Too many adult affair dating plans go south because the spouse finds that secret phone. Keep it hidden in a locked toolbox, a fake ceiling panel, or inside the VCR slot on your old game room TV.
Find Time Together for Affair Dating
In order for your extramarital affair to continue, there has to be more to it than an hour a week at the hotel near work. Unlike a conventional relationship, you two cannot show up at a friend’s barbecue or hit a local restaurant without bumping into someone you know. Finding ways to spend time with each other takes some creativity, but it’s definitely not impossible. There is less of a chance that you’ll be seen together if you meet further away from the places you are in your day-to-day life. Meeting at the beach, a park, a movie theater, or a restaurant a way’s away will help reduce the chance of your affair being exposed. The key is getting away from home without making it too obvious you’re sneaking off.
With adult affair dating, it can be challenging to keep your affair a secret. Just remember to play within the rules and don’t get too confident that you make a mistake. Play by these rules and your affair will stay a well-kept secret.

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