The Divorce Rate Isn’t What You Think

Samantha Elise Oscar By Samantha Elise Oscar  – January 4, 2018
The Divorce Rate Isn’t What You Think

Divorce Rate Factors

New information on the divorce rate shows that factors like age and college education have a big impact on the statistical probability of divorce. As a result, people may be making some different choices. Wondering whether you have a better shot than your parents did? The answers might surprise you. Check out the full article by Sarah Jacoby via Refinery29 for all the details.

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Samantha Elise Oscar
Samantha Elise Oscar
Author, Dating Expert Extraordinare
At DatingPerfect, we’re lucky to have Samantha as a regular contributor and key researcher. A dating expert at her core, Samantha’s knowledge of the dating space spans many provocative topics, from marriage tips to sugar dating how-to’s. Samantha has her finger on the online dating pulse and keeps us plugged in to dating’s newest trends, most surprising twists, and biggest stories. Is there a topic you’d love to see Samantha cover? Please contact us if you have an idea for a future story and we’ll get Samantha on it. Thanks for reading!
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