Older Women Dating: How to Win at Cougar Dating

If you’re interested in dating older women, we can definitely understand. Cougar dating is one of the fastest growing markets in online dating and it’s no wonder! Older women dating younger men is a total win-win in our opinion. But we don’t have to convince you, obviously. You’re just here because you want to know how you can make cougar dating work for you and we’re here to help. Keep reading to find out our top three cougar dating tips to help you succeed at older women dating.
1. Older Women Dating: Be a Grown-Ass Man
If you’re a real novice when it comes to cougar dating, you might be wondering “what is a cougar?” So we might as well start there. A cougar is a sexy, experienced older woman, usually in her 40s, who likes to date younger guys. Want to get a date with her? Well here’s our first cougar dating tip: be as mature as possible. You might be younger, but don’t expect a cougar to act like your mom. She definitely doesn’t have time for that mess. If you want to be with a cougar, she’ll have certain expectations of you, one of which is that you behave like a gentleman and treat her with respect. You’ll do well if you can practice emotional maturity by taking responsibility for yourself and showing up willing to act like a grown-ass man.
2. In Cougar Dating, Bring Something to the Table
If you’re a younger man who wants a chance with a confident and attractive cougar, you better have something to offer. Sure, a hot bod goes a long way, but it isn’t everything when it comes to cougar dating. If dating older women is your thing, you should be able to offer them something other guys can’t. This can be anything from a successful career, a skill she’s interested in, a trade that could come in handy, a spiritual life that you want to share, or even speaking another language. Your six pack will get you in the door, but if you’re planning on staying more than just a night, we suggest you show up with something else, too.
3. Come Ready to Learn when Dating Older Women
This one is a biggie, guys. Show up and practice being humble. We know that can be a difficult stance for a young man to occupy, which is why she’ll find it all the more impressive when you do. Ask her what she likes, ask her to teach you or show you about herself and her experience, and we guarantee you’ll learn some new tricks and acquire some new skills. If you can be humble and teachable, a cougar will know you’re a keeper and, frankly, so will the rest of womankind. If you want to date a sexy cougar, do everyone a favor and check your ego at the door. We promise it’ll pay off in spades.
We hope these cougar dating tips will help get you off on the right foot. If you’re ready to start dating older women now, click here to see our top cougar dating site reviews and find out which are the best cougar dating sites and why.

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