5 Cougar Dating Tips to Score a Hot, Older Woman

Looking for the best in cougar dating? We’d always recommend Cougar Life, Ashley Madison, and Adult Friend Finder. So you’ve finally realized that cougar dating is totally where it’s at. Congratulations. But now that you’re trying to score dates with some sexy older women we figure you could probably use a few tips. Keep reading to discover our top five cougar dating tips:
1. Find Your Inner Maturity
It’s already a well-known axiom that women are more emotionally mature than their male counterparts. If you are a younger man or woman seeking an older woman, first and foremost realize that your potential cougar fling may not be impressed by your 12-hour gaming sessions or lack of financial responsibility. To run with the big dogs and snag a “purrfect” cougar hottie, you have to act the part of a distinguished adult. Start by making sure you have something to offer a woman with life-experience by at least having a career (read: not living in your mother’s basement) and being able to take responsibility for yourself and your life. If you act like a grown-up, you’ll be treated like one. And trust us, a cougar likes to play with younger partners but doesn’t want to babysit them.
2. Respect Her Experience
Cougars are gorgeous creatures skilled in the bedroom arts and confident in a way only older women can be. However, this grace and experience is a product of years of dealing with real life. Don’t make assumptions about where this woman has been or what kind of life she’s led. If you want to know, ask and pay attention to what she says. When you spend time with a cougar, be respectful of her opinions and her experience. Remember, she’s seen more life than you. If you pay attention, you might even learn something.
3. Be a Gentleman
Cougars have been around the block and have probably had their fair share of bad dates. The last thing a woman wants or needs as she ages is another partner who doesn’t treat her like the queen she is. After all, she’s already ended plenty of relationships with guys that don’t treat her well and she’s not interested in wasting any more time with one of those. Going the extra mile to make her feel special by opening the car door for her or by picking up the check will likely bring her back to the good old days, when men didn’t spend so much time grooming their man-buns or order skinny lattes, and chivalry was still socially acceptable.
4. Up Your Bedroom Game
Cougars wouldn’t be the sexy minxes they are if it weren’t for their years of experience. It has long been thought that a woman reaches her sexual peak from her late thirties to forties; there must be something driving this assumption! A cougar is probably going to want to do things with you and to you that perhaps you’ve never even considered. It could even be frightening to the unprepared, inexperienced, or ill-equipped. If you are trolling dating sites in the hopes of locking down a cougar for the long-haul, you may want to start with a little research and education.
5. Learn to Relax
This tip aligns with our first recommendation for maturity. A cougar may be comfortable at her age with just chilling at home watching a movie or even staying in most weekends. Some older women may not desire the flashy, superficial hubbub that is dating between young people. She might prefer a home-cooked meal to going clubbing or reading a book to hitting the beer bong. Consider that cougars are typically more secure in their relationships, however, so they are probably more apt to let you hang out with the boys without repercussion.
If you just follow these cougar dating tips, you can cruise cougar dating sites with confidence and class! Still looking for the best cougar dating sites? Check out our favorites here.

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