Christian Mingle: The Dos and Don’ts of Christian Dating

Christian Mingle
Christian dating can be incredibly fun and fulfilling if you do it right. Because of your Christian beliefs, you’re passionate, curious, and you’re a good person. Why wouldn’t you want to date someone else with those core attributes? If you’re interested in Christian dating, we have a few suggestions to help you succeed. Keep reading our article Christian Mingle to find out about the most important dos and don’ts in modern Christian dating.
DO Understand
Pentecostal, Lutheran, Seventh-Day Adventist, the list goes on: not all Christian faiths are the same, which means that there’s a broad range of different types of Christians. Show your date how much you respect their faith lift by taking time to get to know their faith background. Ask them questions about what they believe and why. Your date will appreciate the effort you’re making… and it might pay off for you later, too. *Wink*
DO Try “Biblical Dating”
“What’s ‘Biblical dating,’” you ask? So glad you asked. It’s the practice of dating based on the teachings of the Bible. Start with a friendship, then try dating, and, eventually, get married to the partner you love. What are the basics? Be loving, kind and honest. If you have a trusted spiritual advisor, we suggest talking to that person and asking for guidance in carrying spiritual principles into your dating life.
DON’T Move Too Fast
This is probably the hardest part of Christian dating, or maybe just dating period. Avoid impulsive sexual decisions and poor relationship choices. Maybe this sounds impossible. Don’t worry. We’ve got a few tips on how to make the wait easier.
- Do fun activities together: Play Frisbee, cook dinner, or go to the gym. The more time you spend on these kinds of activities the more you’ll get to know your partner in a real and everyday way
- Get to know your partner on an emotional level: Have deep conversations. Ask them things you’ve always wanted to know about their life and history. Building this kind of intimacy will make your whole relationship so much better and richer
DO Listen
The same way your partner’s winning smile, great hair, and cool dance moves keep you interested, so should their faith in God. By listening carefully to the way your partner talks about God, you can learn a lot, most importantly whether this could be the right person for you.
- Does God play a role in their conversations about the future? This will help you ensure that your priorities are aligned.
- How do they treat other people? This will tell you a lot about how this person might treat you, too, as the relationship progresses.
- Do they tell the truth? Find someone willing to be their full and honest self, and you’ve got a real winner.
Of course, the most important thing is to have fun. Loving God and having a blast online dating aren’t actually mutually exclusive! If you’re ready to try some Christian dating sites, you can click to visit our top Christian Dating Sites Reviews, including Christian Mingle!

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